The Agency


Who are you hosting with?



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The question isn’t where is your website hosted, but who are you hosting with. All too often business owners are looking at the wrong things when searching for a company to host their website. Price, and the server specs are often the first and only thing people see when making this decision. Those are important facts in making the decision, but they are not the only ones that should be considered.

When it comes to price, you get what you pay for. If you are looking for the cheapest option then you will get the cheapest hosting service. That is fine until you are on hold on the phone for extended periods of time to talk to someone that you don’t know about your website issues. That is an option, but that is the difference between having a company provide a hosting platform, or having them host and maintain your site themselves.

When it comes to the amount of storage, and speed that your hosting service provides there is no substitute. Each website has different needs to run efficiently and effectively. Knowing what your needs are is the first step. The second is finding a company with the capability to handle your website’s exact needs.

At The Agency we believe people do business with who they know, like, and trust. So when a client trusts us to host their website we not only offer them the latest and best option for their website hosting needs, we offer them unlimited service from our team to help take care of their website needs. We provide our clients with unlimited band-with and storage, and a readily accessible team of experts to help you at all times with your website updates, problems, and questions.

Do you have questions about who you are hosting with? Do you have questions about what options are best for your site? We are here to help you and your company succeed. If you have questions, or would like to talk to an expert about which options are best for your company send us a message.

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