The Agency


Top Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make With Their Website



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As an entrepreneur, you probably already know how important a website is. It’s your brand’s front porch online—the place where potential and current clients come to learn more about you, connect with you, and even do business with you.

DIY website solutions are a dime a dozen these days. Sure, they’re a great way to get started, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, they can go sideways pretty quickly. A stunning website is more than just a basic template and trendy color scheme. In order to stand out from the crowd, you need to clearly communicate your brand!

Here are some of the top mistakes we see on most websites.

You’re Not Connecting With Your Dream Clients

Is there a photo of you or your team members on your website? Does your About page only talk about your business? Remember: people connect with people, not with businesses. Let them see the person behind the scenes, don’t just rely on your products and services to speak for themselves.

Try This: If you struggle to write about yourself, pretend you’re attending an in-person networking event. What would you say out loud to a potential customer or partner? Write that down!

What You Offer Isn’t Clear

Today’s entrepreneurs are under a lot of pressure to be more than just a product-led business. And while diversifying your revenue is a great way to open up to new opportunities, it can muddle your offering and confuse your clients.

To Do: Look through your website with a critical lens. Do your products and services align with your dream audience? Are you passionate about them, or are there some you no longer want to offer? You have a short amount of time to connect with and hook your client, don’t waste it on things that aren’t worth it!

It’s Hard to Convert With You

A website serves many purposes—education and connection, for example—but the ultimate goal should be to get people to contact you. You need to make it as easy as possible for people to get in touch with you. Ditch the 20-question contact form and ensure that every page includes a call to action inviting people to reach out.

Top Tip: Get your friends to help! Ask them to look through your site and see if it’s easy to find your contact information. Having their perspective will help highlight any areas you may have overlooked.

You Look Like Everyone Else

While your competition can be a great source of inspiration, it’s important to make sure you stand out from the crowd! Remember, your goal isn’t to look like everyone else, it’s to attract your dream clients and appeal to your target audience.

How to Check This: Pull up the websites of five of your competitors, as well as your own site. Look for any similarities, including color palette, font style, and even the names of your products and packages.

Working with a professional marketing team can help you identify your business’s unique voice and style. At The Agency, we offer a wide variety of packages and products to support business owners, including a Custom Website & Branding Experience package designed to set you up with everything you need.

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