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National SEO Services



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Who This Is For:
-Businesses in higher populated areas
-Businesses in highly competitive niches
-Can be used for national ecommerce businesses
Package Overview:
• Guaranteed Rankings SEO Services
• Local, City, Metro, Statewide, National and Ecommerce SEO Campaigns
• Monthly Keyword Research to identify best keywords to target
• Unlimited Keyword Targeting
• Content Optimization
• Content Creation
• Website Infrastructure Evaluation
• 225+ Business Directory Listings
• Ongoing link building
• Google maps & amp; Mobile Device Submissions
• XML Sitemaps
• Google Analytics
• Ongoing Ranking Improvements
• Monthly Campaign Reporting
• Bad Link Cleanup
• Technical SEO Evaluation
• Duplicate Content Check
• Comprehensive Personalized SEO Strategy
• Ongoing SEO Services, Ranking Maintenance And Improvements
• Limited GMB SEO Services
• Month To Month Contract
• Much More

Detailed Services:

Keyword Research

We start with our initial keyword research and identify relevant search phrases most likely to generate sales. This keyword process will include researching the monthly traffic to target keywords, level of competition for the number one spot on target keywords, etc.

Meta/Alt Tags

By adding these meta title, description and image alt tags we can help Google decipher exactly what a page on your Primary site is about. The easier it is for Google to understand exactly what a page is about, the more likely your website is to show up higher on Google search results.
New Website Pages
Optimizing the current pages on your website and adding new pages is a key part of a successful SEO Campaign. The content on these pages needs to be keyword specific, provide value to customers and help to transition them from a viewer to a lead or buyer. When people want to read content on your web pages, they are much more likely to stay on the page and this subsequently increase your page value and enhances the SEO power your site has. There are a variety of opportunities to take over keywords with content that provides real value to consumers looking for the services that you offer.

Blog Posts

Similar to the content on your new website pages, Blog Content helps create keyword specific landing pages for Google’s search results. New posts should be created each month. By continuing to produce this content we can help increase the ranking of the site.

Local, City, Metro, State And Nation Wide Targeting:

We will target search terms that are city-wide, metro-wide, state-wide and nation-wide. For city, metro and state wide targeting, we will target keywords considered “local”. For example “Ohio Physical Therapy” or “Akron Chiropractic”. As this service is being performed, we will be targeting as many cities as possible for terms that are related to the services you offer and we will add new keywords and will expand our reach as we do. We will also be optimizing your site to target national keywords like “Chiropractor” and “Physical Therapist” related to your business as well being searched around the country.
Press Release
Monthly press release upon request to increase backlinks, site viewership, visibility and trust for client’s business.

Other SEO Tasks

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS Every month, we will target at least 30-50 new additional search phrases likely to generate sales for clients and that increase the total combined potential search volume per month that the site will receive.
SEO STRATEGYDevelopment of comprehensive SEO strategy after learning company goals.
ONGOING SEO SERVICES– Ongoing SEO tasks to ensure long–term campaign growth. A “whatever it takes” strategy to work on the specific elements of SEO that will produce the best results. On a month to month basis the campaign will need to have different tasks prioritized, ranging from more content, more pages, content optimization adjustments, more inbound links, keyword retargeting, product targeting (Data Highlighting), strategy adjustments, website infrastructure cleanup, bad link removal, etc.
INITIAL ON–SITE CONTENT OPTIMIZATION (VISIBLE)– Optimization of the visible readable content on your website, with consideration of your target keywords.

– Content optimization improving non–visible HTML elements including META tags, Page TITLE, Alt Tags, etc.
TECHNICAL SEO EVALUATION– Observation of the overall technical SEO health of the website. Includes the review of the web page load speed, mobile responsive design, SSL hosting, inbound link quality, crawling issues, robots.txt, sitemap and other technical factors that impact the performance of the SEO campaign.
TECHNICAL SITE DESIGN EVALUATION– Observation of the overall SEO design health of the website. Includes the review of the on-page link crawling, content crawling, content impact on search, internal & external duplicate content, devalued content, pop-ups, below-the-fold content, page count, infinite-scroll issues and other design related factors that impact the performance of the SEO campaign.
WEBSITE PERFORMANCE RECOMMENDATION– If needed, performance recommendations addressing conversion improvements, customer engagement, messaging, aesthetics or issues that could improve website performance.
WEBSITE ARCHIVE– Archival of web pages targeted for optimization before and after the initial SEO work is implemented. This provides a snapshot of each web page addressed by the SEO campaign.
WEBSITE CONTENT & LAYOUT RECOMMENDATIONS– Provided on an as-needed basis, the recommendation of new web pages including SEO landing pages or pages that can help with the performance of the website (improved conversion rates). Assistance will be offered if recommendations are made.
BUSINESS DIRECTORY SUBMISSIONS– Link building and profile submissions through business directory listings. Includes major business portals like and Merchant Circle. Entire network expands to 225+ business listing sites.
ONLINE YELLOW PAGE SUBMISSIONS– Link building and profile submissions through Online Yellow Pages websites like
GPS & MOBILE MAP SUBMISSIONS– Link building and profile submissions across GPS Systems like TomTom, Chevy, Toyota and other automotive manufacturer’s phone and mapping services.
VOICE RECOGNITION & SEARCH SUBMISSIONS– Link building and profile submissions through voice search technology like Apple’s Siri, Windows Phones and Android Devices.
LOCAL SEO– Creation and/or optimization of Google My Business listings.
SEARCH ENGINE SUBMISSIONS– Website submissions to 25 or more US–based search engines, including all major engines and numerous secondary search engines.
SCHEMA IMPLEMENTATION– The addition of structured data markup in Google-recommended JSON- LD format for CMS’ that allow for Schema plugins/add-ons.
ADAPTATION TO SEARCH ENGINE RANKING UPDATES– Google implements over 500 ranking adjustments per year. We make adjustments to your campaign to accommodate these changes.
XML SITEMAPS– Construction of XML sitemaps to ensure search engine BOT crawling and to identify crawling issues. Sitemaps are crawled by all major search engines.
BAD LINK CLEANUP– If bad inbound links are identified during the SEO Evaluation, we post the bad links to the Google’s Disavow Links tool to reduce their negative impact on search rankings.
COMPETITOR ANALYSIS Identification of major competitors vying for the same digital marketplace. Data gathering to include (1) competitor search engine visibility, (2) search targets, (3) digital market share and other factors like AdWords activity or the quality of their SEO execution.
WEBSITE TRAFFIC FLOW/CONVERSIONS Recommendations, if needed, to improve sales lead conversion rates and the overall user experience.
CONTENT CREATION Creation of 2-4 new pieces of content every month. These content pieces can be articles, blog posts or web pages depending on the needs of the company and the campaign. Content marketing can be used to expand service pages, target critical keyword not supported by the website, add targeted city pages, on-topic blog dialogue, etc.
REPUTATION MONITORING/CONSULTING We monitor your online reputation daily. If negative information is released, we can advise and help develop a strategy best combat it.
GOOGLE ANALYTICS ACCOUNT CREATION– The addition of a Google Analytics account (if one does not already exist). Evaluation of website traffic stats to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the website and to provide feedback concerning SEO campaign performance.
WEBMASTER TOOLS ACCOUNT CREATION– Creation and installation of a Webmaster Tools accounts for Google. Webmaster Tools provides direct feedback from Google covering performance metrics about your website. This information is used identify problems with the website, the campaign and to provide direction for future SEO work.
MONTHLY KEYWORD RESEARCH, RANKING REPORTS & UPDATES Monthly Keyword Research to identify best keywords to target each month. Campaign progress updates and a keyword ranking report showing rankings and performance metrics for relevant keywords on Google, Bing and Yahoo.
DIGITAL MARKETING CONSULTING– Tap our knowledge to help you to make the most sense of what works on the internet, and what does not.
OUR PROPRIETARY TACTICS AND SOFTWARE– Over the years, we have developed our own white hat tactics and proprietary softwares that help us to rank above your competitors faster.


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