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Establish accurate business listings and rank higher in search engineer results, such as Google. Get started for free, and then optionally upgrade to powerful presence management tools for SEO—Listing Distribution and Listing Sync Pro. Our solutions are the most comprehensive business listing solution on the market. Listing Sync: Quickly establish accurate business information on Google My Business, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for no additional charge. Own your business listings and keep your customers up-to-date. Google My Business Insights: Understand how your business is performing on Google Search and Maps. Google Insights in Listing Builder provides a valuable glimpse into your customer’s activities.


Why is a strong presence important for a local business like me?

A strong online presence is the first step toward success. Your customers and prospects need to be able to find you, both online and in the street. Ask yourself this, when was the last time you went out to eat at a new restaurant or planned to go see a new movie and did not look it up online first? Chances are, you did some research beforehand and it’s extremely likely that your customers are doing the same. When customers and prospects look you up online, make sure they can find you and that the information they come across is correct.

Why is it important for local business like me to have a mobile optimized listing?

For SEO, priority is given to good customer experience on mobile devices. Consumers will use mobile devices to find desired goods or services and will generally begin these searches with a category or brand search. For example, a brand search is “Joe’s Pizza in Denver” and a category search is “Pizza in Denver”. (Note: On a mobile device the “in Denver” often does not need to be explicit.) In the case of a category search, the user has intent to purchase something in a category but has not decided or does not care about the brand. In these searches, the user’s intent is generally heavily skewed toward proximity and location. So search engines generally deliver the closest locations and it is therefore important that location information is crawlable, is displayed on each page, and is in meta-data and keywords.

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