It might appear that you’ve achieved a great deal with your website, and having a website for your business is a great accomplishment in itself. However, is it working as well as it could be? Is it luring in the right customers? Is it generating income? Don’t worry, figuring out these questions doesn’t have to be daunting. Traditionally, website design projects have been approached with a complete overhaul, followed by a period of inactivity until the exhaustion has passed or the workload can be tackled. We don’t want you to follow the same routine. To give you the confidence to make your website successful, we have come up with a few questions that can help you to evaluate and enhance your website.
Do you get enthusiastic about guiding people to your website, or do you try to avoid it as much as possible?
Maybe you are not happy with the presentation or functioning of your website and you don’t have either the time or the energy to make the modifications you recognize are necessary. It is possible that your site appears outdated and you understand that you should do something about it, but this task keeps getting deferred to your never ending to-do list. We all can relate to that. But if you cringe when you look at your site, it is likely that your prospective customers won’t be thrilled either. We strongly believe that you should be eager to send people to your website – not simply because it is attractive and looks nice – but because you are sure that when they visit your URL, they will have a great, strategically planned experience with your brand that will either lead them to want to do business with you OR know that they are not the right fit. If that is not your situation, then this is a definite indication that you need a new website.
Are you aware of how your website is performing?
Are visitors spending time on your site or do they leave right away? How much website traffic is there? Are you getting leads from Google due to SEO or is it not working? When do people leave your page? Is the mobile experience as good as the desktop one or is it awkward? Are people actually clicking on your portfolio and services page? For a lot of people, these questions can cause panic and they don’t know the answers. If you are unfamiliar with your website analytics and are unsure how to measure them, we have a post this week that will help you to understand the most important stats and how to analyze them. When you know analytics, you can see when it is time for an update and where your website is going wrong.
Are you experiencing an influx of inquiries to your inbox from potential clients one after the other?
When taking stock of your inbox, it is essential to assess if the leads you are getting are the ones you want to work with. If you are consistently having conversations with people who are not a good fit, it is an indication that your website is not functioning properly. The leads you receive reveal how your brand is being perceived, and if you don’t get the leads you want, it’s usually a sign that something on your website needs to be changed. The enquiries that come from your website should be the kind that make you super excited to work with them, without any “ugh” feelings. If the leads you are getting are not the ones you desire, it might be time to enhance your website so you can connect with the ideal people.
Is your website your go-to salesperson? (Can it generate revenue for you while you rest?)
This is why having an online presence is so important. You shouldn’t have to be present for customers to move through their journey; your website should be able to do that for you. You should be receiving feedback from customers that the process was smooth and enjoyable. You shouldn’t have to do all the hard work. If you are, it could be that your website isn’t doing enough. If it isn’t attracting your ideal customers and converting them to purchase… if folks don’t visit your website and feel certain that you and your product are the top option – it may be time to rethink your approach.
Now, What’s Next?
It is clear that it is not a good idea to just sit around, feeling sorry for yourself, if you wished that your answers to any of these questions were different. You may be able to use these questions to pinpoint some essential, as well as insignificant, modifications to apply to your present website, and just like that, you are good to go!
If your website is not working properly, no longer bringing in valuable leads, or not matching your business goals, it may be time to say goodbye. We offer our gratitude for the good times, and look forward to having a website that can answer all of the questions above with a resounding YES. Let’s make sure to give our old website a proper farewell.
We believe that the concept of momentum is essential for a successful business. Having a new website could be the ideal way to give your company a boost. Our team would love to discuss your plans and goals and help you build the perfect website for your business. We’re here to help, give us a shout!